Wounded Heroes, an award-winning documentary directed/produced by filmmaker Michael Gier and released by Gier Productions, LLC, was a three-year passion project and features successful alternative treatments that give anyone battling PTS their lives back.
The first award that we won was the Honorable Mention award (second place for best documentary film) from the New York Movie Awards film festival. Then in May 2021 the film won the Grand Jury Feature Documentary (first place for best documentary) at the Orlando International Film Festival.
The film not only features successful alternative treatments, but it also features steps for success. Gier says, “First, try the treatment option that’s most appealing to you and then following up with other treatment options because they work well in combination. Second, find likeminded people that have your back; don’t fight this battle alone. Third, it’s vital to find a new mission; a purpose bigger than yourself.”
With the stresses of Covid, civil unrest, a divided country, and everything going on in Afghanistan, it’s time to help people heal. Wounded Heroes is a film that features solutions, not only for Veterans, but also for police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, and anyone battling PTS.
Wounded Heroes is available on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, VUDU, YouTube Movies, Roku, and Vimeo On Demand.
The “Sponsor a Hero" program gives people the opportunity to purchase screenings that are then given to heroes at no cost. It’s a great way for people to pay it forward as a thank you in appreciation for all they do.
WoundedHeroesDocumentary.com to get more details about the Sponsor a Hero program, watch the trailer, film excerpts, press interviews, and more.
Copyright © 2024 Gier Productions, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.